WSA Coaching Philosophy & Guiding Principles

WSA Coaching Philosophy & Guiding Principles

o   Vision: To inspire a lifelong love of soccer

o   Mission: To lead the advancement of soccer development while nurturing a love and appreciation for the sport.

o   Values: Community Spirit, Fun, Respect, Dedication, Passion

WSA Coaching Philosophy

o   To provide the best learning environment possible to allow each and every player to fulfill their true potential

o   To create an atmosphere where players can experiment, be creative and imaginative without fear of making mistakes

o   To promote creative attacking soccer with an emphasis to entertain (the beautiful game) without fear of losing

o   To enjoy the ball when we have possession and work together to win the ball back as quickly as possible when we lose it (the ball being our most precious belonging)

o   Performance takes precedence over the result, develop a desire to win by playing the right way

o   To instil good values amongst players and encourage a well-balanced lifestyle, providing opportunities on how to best manage their time away from the soccer field

WSA Guiding Principles = Brand Statement + Coaching Philosophy

1)      Unified in providing the best environment to enable all players and coaches to reach their full potential

2)      To be a major contributor in leading the way for youth soccer development in Canada

3)      To inspire a lifelong passion for soccer

4)      To instil good values and life skills to all players, in preparing them in becoming model citizens

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