What does Safe Sport stand for WSA Winnipeg?

WSA Winnipeg believes that everyone has the right to enjoy soccer in a safe and inclusive environment at every level and across all programs, in a manner that is free from any form of maltreatment.

Developing and maintaining a safe and inclusive environment and ensuring the safety and protection of the youth in our programs is our highest priority.

Our commitment to Safe Sport:

We have committed to a holistic approach to fostering the overall physical, mental/psychological and emotional wellbeing of our athletes, staff, coaches, and administrators through:

  • Policies & Procedures – A comprehensive safe sport policy and procedures that are clear and easy to understand. They are reviewed annually with relevant stakeholder groups for effectiveness.
  • Prevention – Employee, coach, volunteer, and administrator recruitment process that employs multiple screening tools including reference checks, vulnerable sector background checks, interviews, and orientation.
  • Training & Education – Mandatory safe sport training for all coaches and staff working with athletes. Ongoing safe sport education that is age-appropriate for athletes.
  • Reporting & Response – Clear, independent reporting mechanisms for complaints and a fair and transparent resolution process. Physical and emotional supports and resources are available to athletes and staff.
  • Continuous Development – Proactive evolution of our safe sport practices through the involvement of our safe sport advisory committee and frequent engagement with athletes, parents/guardians, coaches, and staff.